Friday, February 01, 2008

Joey update

Please don't think that I'm an ambitious, early riser based on the time of this blog post. I've actually been awake since 4 am and just couldn't sleep, so here I am wasting time on the internet. I'll probably hop back in bed soon and then be sleeping nicely about the time Dane wakes up and I need to get up and get ready for the day!
Back to Joey... Everything is progressing well. You may have noticed the tickers I added. I felt bad that Renee had to add a ticker to her page since I was so behind! My official due date is July 2 by dates, but it looks like Joey's birthday will be June 26 (scheduled c-section instead of emergency this time!). I've been able to feel baby kicking and tumbling now for the past 3 weeks or so. This is my tummy at 18 weeks pregnant.
Dane still is insistent that this is his baby sister, and even verified yesterday for me that we're going to have a baby girl. (Until then I wasn't sure if he really knew what sister meant, but I think he has the idea.) And no, Renee, this does not mean that we actually know and just aren't telling you!! More Joey pictures (ultrasound) to come next week.


Jenny said...

Hey cutie! You look great! Rebecca is really hoping you'll have a baby girl, to make up for the two brothers she had to get.

Anonymous said...

You are so cute!! So is the rest of your family!

Anonymous said...

June 26?
Day after my bday =0)
Hope you've been feeling good.

Jeff, Renee, Carter and Camden said...

I know you secretly know what you are having . . . I will get it out of you on way or another. The gender of the baby that is, not the actual baby just yet. Did that make sense?