Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Grampy and Grammy

A wonderful week has already come and gone. We enjoyed Grampy and Grammy's visit so much! Sadly, I didn't take very many pictures. Grampy and Grammy took quite a few, but I'll let them post their own before I start stealing them! Here are just a few from our time together.
Dane with Grampy and Grammy out at Red Rock Park.
Daddy helps Dane walk the wall at Red Rock.
Riding the log flume at Buffalo Bill's.
Blowing bubbles in the backyard with Grammy.
Dane says thanks for all the fun walks to the park, playtime in the backyard, bedtime stories, and even a new sandbox! We say thanks for the baby-sitting, help with meals and laundry, and just for coming to see us! We miss you already!


Hilary said...

Dane is much braver than I am! I have a hard time with those flume rides :)

Mike, Amanda, Dane, and Nora said...

You probably don't have your dad along to make you feel safe!!