Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Weekend in Salt Lake City

Catching up with Uncle Benny.
Meeting Sarah.
Heading out for Dane's first ski run.
Waiting in line for the lift.
Catching the chair.
Away they go! Dane thought the lift was a blast. He called it his "helicopter ride."
Zooming down the hill with Daddy.
Making a friend.
Ben and Sarah.
Mugging with Brother.
Dinner at the Rodizio Grill, a Brazilian steakhouse.
After a swim.
First tracks in the new snow before we headed for home yesterday.


Wrena said...

So fun and exciting! We thought of you often and are so glad to see you enjoyed your time and returnd home safe and sound! We did get out even though the phone never rang :) snowshoeing is safe for expeting moms. Grin & Wink!! Did you get your fill of snow?

Melissa O. said...

How fun (for Dane and Daddy). but probably not for mommy. Were you bored? We've had enough snow, we're ready for some sunshine.

Deana said...

On Renee's page it shows when your due date is...It's the same day as my birthday! Just thought that was cool. :D

Brooke said...

These pictures are priceless! I love Dane's enthusiasm for all things outdoors (wonder where he gets that from?!) So sweet. Thanks for sharing. :)