Sunday, September 09, 2007

Playtime with Carter

Here are some more pictures of Dane and Carter playing together. They play really well together, especially now that they have spent at least 3 days a week together at the same babysitter for the past few months. You may note in these next two pictures that Dane has the toy in the first picture and Carter has the same toy in the next picture taken only a few seconds later. So far they give and take toys nicely without shouting "Mine!" at each other. We'll see how long it lasts!!

Little "drinking buddies"!!

Dane takes Carter for a spin!
Note the ball in midair here!
It's been so fun to watch Carter really take off this past month with his walking. It was pretty cute to see him trying to imitate Dane a couple times last night. In one more month, Carter's baby brother will be here, too! Hurray for little boys!

1 comment:

Wrena said...

Amanda, Wyatt went bazzerk, when he seen these pix of Dane on his 4 wheeler. "MOM, ONE LIKE THAT, ONE LIKE THAT, MOM" He has been asking for a 4 wheeler for a while know.
What a cute boy you have coming on!