Sunday, October 24, 2010

New babies

Last Monday, our new niece Olive Charlotte made her debut.  Daddy Mark, Mommy Anna, and big sister Morgan on Olive's birthday.

 Nora is pretty excited to have a new cousin and will hardly let anyone else hold her!
 Hugh, Melodee, Zachary, Ellie and their neighbor Olivia came up to meet Olive yesterday.  We all had a meal and Grandpa and Grandma- it felt like a holiday to all be together!  Here are all the cousins (plus "adopted cousin" Olivia in the back center who looks like one of the family!).  Once again, Nora wants to hold the baby!!

Auntie Melodee finally got her turn to snuggle.
Our friends Jerry and Leanne also had a baby one week ago today.  Nora loves baby Aleta, too!!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Welcome, Baby Olive!