Sunday, December 30, 2007

On the farm

Our first stop was the Anderson farm. The first few days there were very cold and windy!
The thermometer in the lower right-hand corner reads about 12 degrees, but it felt even colder with gusts up to 45 mph.
That didn't stop a certain little someone from wanting to play outside and ride the four-wheeler!
After bundling up, Daddy and Dane headed out to brave the cold!
They were joined by Hugh, Zachary, and Ellie.
Dane gets acquainted with his sweet little cousin Morgan.
Mark and Ellie try their hand at "Operation."
Anna and Zachary take a turn.
Auntie Melodee and Grandma introduced Morgan to rice cereal. What a little sweetie!
Dane discovered Grandma's stash of raisins and helped himself.
Dane and Zachary had so much fun together. Most of the time, all of these balls were scattered on the floor throughout the house!
Poor little Cubby ended up with a broken foot, so I tested my veterinary orthopedic skills!
Pretty big snowflakes coming down on a much calmer day.
Dane developed a new habit of falling asleep while reading!

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