Friday, April 25, 2008

Baby news

We had another appointment with my OB today and my weekly monitoring. Joey seems to be doing just fine and growing like a little weed. By ultrasound measurements today, they estimate that baby already weighs around 3 lbs. 12 oz. They did a very detailed ultrasound of baby's cardiovascular and GI systems to check again for a possible cause of the excess amniotic fluid, but everything seems to be very normal. The good news is that the amount of fluid was greatly reduced (though still high) on today's ultrasound.

Cute little piggies!
These were printed off and then scanned in, while the previous images were saved to a CD. That is why there is a difference in color. Here are some cute shots of baby's hand up in front of its face.
Little pouty lips!
We also saw for the second week in a row that little Joey seems to have a full head of hair!


Stvnprl said...

Soooo sweet! We are already in love with Baby Joey! Glad everything is lookin' good and yes, my goodness, Mommy is too! Thanks for posting the new pics.

Love you four,
Grampy and Grammy

Anonymous said...

Those pics are so neat!

Angie said...

Wow those pictures are amazing! And I'm with Dane..I think "Joey" is a girl! (Of course, not that it matters, just a hunch!) Glad everything is looking good!