Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Grampy and Grammy came to visit!

Grampy and Grammy Stockwell left today after a wonderful visit over the last few days. On Saturday, we took advantage of the beautiful weather by heading to Mount Charleston. We hiked to Mary Jane Falls. Dane was a real trooper!

Family photo.
After a few hours on the trail, Dane finally zonked out!
A new friend at the Rainforest Cafe.
Two little monkeys emptying the toy basket.
We got to meet Hilary and Jan Michael in person! We have been "acquaintances" through the blogging world, but it was so much better to spend time together. Thanks for visiting!!
Dane has been requesting "Uncle Benny" a lot lately.
I think he really likes his music!
Story time with Grampy.
Modeling his favorite "shippers," handmade by Great-Grandma Stockwell!

I'm sure that Grampy and Grammy will have a bunch of their pictures on their blog shortly! (They took just a few!) Sadly, we had to take them back to the airport today and say good-bye. Lucky for us, Grandpa and Grandma Anderson just flew in this evening and will be here for a little over a week!


Hilary said...

Thank you, thank you for letting us invade your house! We both had such a good time and were so glad to meet you all in person - it really was one of the very best parts of our trip!

Mel B Marvis said...

It looks like Mike was a good trooper on the trip too.