Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

I had the perfect Mother's Day weekend, spending lots of time with my two favorite boys. I got off work early Friday afternoon, so Dane and I beat the heat by going swimming with Renee, Carter, and Carter's Auntie Erin. Friday night, Mike had a baseball game, so Dane and I tagged along.

Dane made a new little friend.
We set up Dane's little wading pool in our backyard Saturday afternoon. Dane has been very enthralled with airplanes lately, often pointing them out while he's playing outside or while riding in the car.

Saturday evening, we went to a Bat Mitzvah party for Leah, the oldest daughter of one of the doctors I work with. It was quite an event! They even brought in this little monkey who was dressed in a full suit and very well-behaved. Dane was very enthralled with him, even though it doesn't really show in this picture. He thought he was a little boy to be played with and kept saying, "Hi!" So tired after a long day!

This afternoon we went swimming again, then we came home and relaxed!


Stvnprl said...

We were wondering if you could tell us which one was the "little monkey" in the picture? Actually, it looks like the monkey is asking you where your tux is, Dane : ) We're anxious to see you guys in a little over a week.

Love you!

Grampy & Grammy

Andy, Jessica & Ayla said...

Amanda, he is just too cute!