We made a mad dash home this weekend to visit family. We flew out Thursday evening, arriving in Minneapolis around midnight. We drove to my cousin Jenny's house to spend what was left of the night and enjoyed visiting and catching up a bit the next morning while our boys ran around like only little boys can. We left around noon and headed to Mike's parents, stopping for lunch with Mike's cousin Janna along the way. We arrived at the farm later Friday afternoon, and my parents showed up to join us for supper and watching a beautiful DVD that Mike's dad had compiled of old 8mm video taken from the late 60's through the early 80's. We spent the next morning enjoying the outdoors at the farm (i.e. Dane getting very dirty!) and then left shortly after lunch to visit my parents. My brother Benny also made the drive to Dad and Mom's to join us for the rest of the weekend. We had a turkey supper (my favorite- thanks, Mom!) with Grandpa and Grandma joining as well as Dick Peterson. After meeting Sunday morning, we headed up to Casselton to see Dad's brother Brian and all his family. My cousins have little ones that I hadn't met yet, nor had they met Dane. It was pretty lively with 4 kiddos under 20 months old! We then hit the road back to Minneapolis and crashed for a few hours at cousin Janna and Keith's place before rising early to return the rental car and catch our flight home. We flew in around 8:30 am, then headed to work after taking Dane to daycare. Last night we slept very well!! I don't have my pictures to post yet, but you can check out
Grampy and Grammy's blog or
Uncle Benny's site. I'll try to get some of ours posted before too long!