Sunday, September 10, 2006

Cutting teeth tires a guy out!

Dane's first tooth popped through on Thursday evening. So far Dane has been pretty mellow with this whole teething process. Here are some pictures of him snoozing this past weekend.


Stvnprl said...

Looks like Mommy was tired too. Dane, you seem to grow with every picture!

Hugs & kisses

Grammy and Grampy

Jason, Sarah, Tristan, Wade, and Owen said...

Wow! Teething must be exhausting....for mommy too! So far we're just practicing our kicking skills! :)

Paula Jo said...

Wow, he is getting so big! What a cutie.

Pharmgirl said...

Ok, so I can kind of understand why Dane is tired, but ... why are you tired? Isn't Mike still doing everything around the house and waiting on the two of you hand and foot? ;-)
Sooo cute!!