Friday, December 23, 2005

Last weekend's big project!

Daddy put together the crib last weekend with the help of "big sister" Cali. I'll take some pictures of the finished product soon (after I get more of the bedding sewn.)


Jenny said...

Oh dear...I sure hope Mike didn't have to put that crib together twice! I've heard of people who set it up and then try to move it into the baby's room and it won't fit through the door...

Mike, Amanda, Dane, and Nora said...

Funny you should mention it... we did get it down the hall and had to partly disassemble it before it fit through the doorway to the room! And Mike thought he was being so clever because there was so much more space in the living room to work in!

Anonymous said...

Typical Male, thinking they know everything and that their way is the only way - huh?!? J/K Mike!!

Anonymous said...

Did you have to mayzure (measure) a lot of stuff Mike? Is it held together with hardware or gorilla glue?

Anonymous said...

Mike, Don't feel bad. After you move to your 3rd house with kids you will be able to put that crib together in minutes. Remember what the engineers say.... extra parts left over = weight reduction.
