Here is a beautiful 3D ultrasound image of Baby's face that the doctor took for us at today's appointment. Only 3 months of waiting left until we meet this little one. Baby Squirt would also like to wish Uncle Benny a Happy 24th Birthday today!
Daddy put together the crib last weekend with the help of "big sister" Cali. I'll take some pictures of the finished product soon (after I get more of the bedding sewn.)
For anyone who has an excess of time, I have created a Shutterfly website containing most of the photos we have taken in the past year. I will continue to add photos from time to time, and this is where we will post most of the baby's pictures when that time arrives. The address is, and there is no password needed. This site contains gobs of photos- most not extremely interesting- so keep it in mind for a rainy (or snowy) day!
Here is the latest ultrasound picture from my appointment on Friday. Little Squirt was napping peacefully with a hand up along his/her face. Otherwise, Baby has been very active lately, swimming laps while I'm sitting or waking me with hiccups during the night! I'll be posting another tummy picture shortly since it's already been 4 weeks. This second trimester is almost gone!
We hope that everyone is having a nice, relaxing Thanksgiving. We have been enjoying the company of Mike's parents who arrived on Monday, as well as Mark and his friend Anna who drove in late last night.
This morning the boys played some flag football, a local tradition among some of our younger friends, while we got the meal underway. We all stuffed ourselves and are now relaxing and napping a bit!
Sunday, November 06, 2005
My 20-week tummy. We're halfway there!
My hubby "Elvis" at his office Halloween party. He was walking downtown near his office and had some tourists stop to take pictures with him. You haven't seen Vegas if you haven't seen an Elvis impersonator.
I had another appointment today for a full ultrasound. Mike was with, and we got a very good view of how our little one is developing. They were able to see all the major organs, and everything appears to be right on track. From the measurements, they were able to calculate that Baby weighs approximately 8 ounces at this point. I posted some of our favorite pictures.
Now we're off to an early Halloween party at some of our friends'. Have a great weekend everybody!
This is baby's facial profile with a hand up by the mouth.
Baby's hand with four beautiful fingers and a thumb.
This is a picture of baby's nose and lips. It's a little hard to pick out at first, but from left to right you can see the nostrils on the nose above the upper lip, then the black opening of the mouth and the lower lip. I think it's adorable, but I'm very biased!
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Lizzi's new friend. We have found her propped against this turtle fountain frequently in the last few days.
I had a check-up today with my OB doctor, and all is going very well. Little Squirt is growing right along as seen on a quick ultrasound. I've been feeling a bit more energetic (and a lot less queasy) than I was during the first trimester. I also posted this picture taken a couple of weeks ago at 16 1/2 weeks along. As you can see, I've developed a nice little tummy! Most exciting, I started feeling Baby's movements this week!
Just wanted to post some pictures of the newest member of our family. Little "Baby Squirt" will be joining us sometime around March 26 if all goes well. I am now 15 weeks pregnant and feeling great. These pictures were taken about 2 1/2 weeks ago at our last doctor visit. It was fun to visit home and spread the good news. I will try and post some pictures from our trip soon, but right now I'm a bit wiped out from our day of travelling.
Baby's leg with a beautiful little foot!
Baby Squirt's facial profile- the arrow points down toward the nose.
We had a great time last weekend with all of our guests. I posted a couple of pictures that were taken while we were together. It was great to meet Melissa and get to know her. Ben, you've got yourself a fine catch!!
This week was back to a hectic schedule once again. I worked 48 hours in 4 days! Oh well, it just makes us look forward to our upcoming vacation even more!
Handsome Benny and his beautiful Melissa.
My crazy brother!
Rebekah Thomack and Eric Byers at the Las Vegas 51's baseball game.