Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Words of Wisdom from Nora

This morning, Nora and I took an hour to walk through one of our pastures along the creek in search of flowers and asparagus.  We were successful on both counts. 
Along the way, Nora asked me, "Mommy, who makes flowers?"
"God does, Nora."
"All of them?"
"Yes, baby."
"Well, He must love us very much then."
"He most certainly does, little one."

I often feel the very same way when I behold all the wonders of nature that we are surrounded by.  Here are some photos.

A cute fistful of just some of the flowers we found.  It was pretty windy as you can tell by her wild hair and squinty eyes!

Pretty little creek and our barn barely visible in the background.

The creek really winds around our property.
Looking like summer around our place.

Mr. Harry.
Best buddies.
Mr. Sully, a.k.a. "eyelashes."
The other morning was beautifully hazy.

Morning moon.
My sweet Posey cuddling with me in the sunshine on Mother's Day.  She just wraps herself right around my arm.

Around my heart, too!
Mother's Day gifts from the most beautiful kiddos ever, even with bedhead!

1 comment:

Jessie K said...

I love what kids come up with! And, I've said it before but it bears repeating, y'all have a gorgeous place!